Spiderweb becomes “Noqté”

Full on experience of Music, Video-Art & Dance

Spiderweb becomes “Noqté”

Same project, new name

Curious to see a glimpse of nOqté? See the video below!

This performance tells our creation story, where every ending invites a new beginning: The Zero Point. Therefore we chose the Farsi word “Noqté“, meaning “Point”. Noqté is the chronicle of life, the continuum of growth that unfolds itself in cycles. Can we get in touch with the wisdom of our emotions along the way? This immersive experience challenges the conventional boundaries of art and reminds us that we are all creators, whether we consciously create art or shape our lives with our choices and interactions.

©Iben Van Damme

Curious to read more about the creation story of nOqté? Scroll further!

Do you want to learn more about nOqté? Check out our website!

Meet The Artists

Did you ever wonder how the body sounds? Or how music looks? The artists are weaving together different forms of art, inspired by different roots. They take you on a journey of creativity, showing the interconnectivity between different forms of art. They cross the conventional bounadries of art with curiosity to find out how music, video-art and dance can interact.

Robbe Kieckens ©Iben Van Damme

Robbe Kieckens combines his rich cultural heritage with the constant search of new sounds and rhythms. He plays with the interactions between music and dance using cultural references.

Shahab Azinmehr entered the realm of music through singing, and later began to play the tar and setar. He is a skilled musician, who is strongly influenced by Persian music.

Shahab Azinmehr ©Iben Van Damme

Niko Himschoot ©Iben Van Damme

Niko Himschoot is formed in video-art, camerawork, projection and dramaturgy. By experimenting with the art of visualization, he illustrates how video-art interacts with dance and music as an equal force.

Maya Sapera treats her body as a source of dance and communication. Exploring the balance between tradition and innovation, she uses the language of dance to cross cultural boundaries.

Maya Sapera ©Iben Van Damme

©Iben Van Damme

Do you want to learn more about nOqté? Check out our website!

With the beating heart of a giant drum…

A Dialogue

Noqté is a dialogue between different forms of art, between different cultures, and between human beings. Therefore we invite you to a dialogue between the artists and the public. You will have the chance to ask any question about the creation process and the performance.

©Iben Van Damme

The Story of Creation

Every creation starts with one cell, one point:

The Zeropoint, nOqté

©Iben Van Damme

Creator rubbed his palms, from which fell a small, round, brown ball. The brown ball stretched to immeasurable size. It became the earth.

Our story starts here, with the creation of the earth. Creator and creation explore each other.


Life originates out of fluidness and lively bubbles multiply as they dance around in space.

©Iben Van Damme

©Iben Van Damme

An intense event takes place: the birth of humans.
Experiencing the human drama they start their journey, searching for peace, searching for the Zero Point.

Order and chaos become one, everyone is reflected in each other. It is a moment of transformation, a moment of embracing the Zero Point.

©Iben Van Damme

Did you know that the pupil reacts to hearing a word, an emotion? See the video below to learn more about the connection between our emotions and our body!

Do you want to learn more about nOqté? Check out our website!

©Iben Van Damme

Special thanks to: City of Ghent (subsidy), Kesha Raithatha (mentoring), Gretel Selusi Vanderdoodt (costume), Shanti De Bruyne (costume), Danspunt (residence), De Centrale (premiere), Danshuis De Ingang (residence), La Geste (residence), Eva Pollet (costume), Alain Platel (advice), Aakash Odedra Company (residence), The Curve (residence), Cultuurloket (financial advice), CC De Warande (residence), Reintje Callebaut (coaching), Katalin Trencsenyi & Uniarts Helsinki ( mentoring)